Corporate Data Management exists to help organisations realise the benefits of adopting a comprehensive approach to managing data, and managing change in their business systems.
The Change Management Model represents a structured & collaborative approach which is founded on the visibility, definition and ownership of data across all business activities.
Contact us for a detailed explanation of how use of the Change Management Model can…
Facilitate Collaborative Change Management of business systems.
Give vital context and credibility to core initiatives like Business Intelligence, Customer Relationship Management and Data Governance.
Improve Project Management across the organisation.
Wherever possible, we would seek to do this in a relevant context, ideally using non-sensitive data & metadata from your own business systems; since this is likely to be far more effective than using ‘vanilla’ examples. And if desired, this exercise could lead to a discussion of any specific data issues that you might have, and allow us to demonstrate how the approach could help you to resolve them.
We can also advise you regarding implementation of the Change Management Model. Beyond the creation of a relatively simple relational database, plus associated update and reporting queries, this is not likely to require any technological resources. However, that doesn't mean it should be rushed into. Success will depend on sufficient levels of both analytical effort and diligence in the gathering and collation of the data & metadata, as well as the assigning of activity & data ownership to nominated business parties.
This requires that deployment of the Change Management Model becomes a boardroom sponsored core initiative, wholly owned and managed internally – i.e. by those who have a vested interest in the benefits that it can bring. Most importantly, to maximise these benefits, we strongly advise against the wholesale contracting out of the implementation to any independent consultants (including ourselves). With this in mind we can offer you an appraisal of the state of readiness of your organisation.